
Director of Cloud and DevOps (Cloud Ops Engineer)

CloudSaver, Inc. (January 2022 - Present)


  • Self-host Azure DevOps agent in AWS

  • Setup OpenVPN log self-cleaning using cron job (crontab)

  • Automated email sending with attachment via SES and S3 Event Notification

  • Architected self-host/local deployment solution to launch our platform in customer's environment

  • Created automated ticketing process to gain additional 4% (total 7%) cloud operation cost savings.

  • Resolved issue with cookie to ensure same-site: lax doesn't break existing functionality.

  • Moved Kubernetes pods from EKS Fargate to EKS Nodegroup for better performance and lower cost.

  • Resolved issue with crashed pods without error message.

  • Created CDK for AWS connection/integration.

  • Created CLI for cloud connection using Python.

  • Created a process to launch Cloudsaver on client's AWS commercial and GovCloud accounts.

  • Automated shutting down and starting resources using AWS Lambda and Event Bridge.

  • Setup multiple environment using EKS, MSK, Aurora, Elasticache Redis, OpenSearch, API Gateway, etc.

  • Wrote custom OAuth 2.0 authorizer running on Lambda for API Gateway.

  • Configured Ingress-Nginx controller with AWS NLB for EKS and Azure Load Balancer for AKS.

  • Configured Glue crawler, Athena and Lambda for Operations team to query invoice data.

  • Moved EMR Phoenix backend storage from S3 (EMRFS) to HDFS to improve query performance.

  • Configured private connection to Elasticsearch cluster with VPC endpoint and private hosted zone.

  • Workaround Micronaut OIDC configuration to enable authentication on AKHQ with Okta.

  • Resolve intermittent Aurora RDS database crash.

  • Dual-hosted CloudSaver front end app on Azure Static Web App and AWS EKS.

  • Setup automatic wildcard subdomain routing for white labeling.

  • Configured cross-region cross-account zero-code bridge from AWS Marketplace SNS to CloudSaver app using SNS, SQS, and EventBridge pipes.

  • Processed Azure CUR data daily using Azure Functions and Azure Synapse Analytics with Spark pool.

  • Remediated issues to meet CIS 1.4.0. for AWS Foundational Technical Review (FTR).

  • Captured application logs in EKS Fargate to Datadog using sidecar instead of Datadog recommended way of using Lambda.

  • Capture APM data and application logs in EKS Nodegroup using Datadog daemonset via unix socket.

  • Correlated logs and traces in Datadog by formatting application logs as json.

  • Refactored Docker image to run in both Lambda and ECS Fargate.

  • Enabled/disabled CUR obfuscation flow using CloudWatch composite alarm.

  • Updated CUR obfuscation process to use S3 event notification, SQS, and EMR serverless.

  • Automated test file creation and upload using Lambda-backed CloudFormation custom resource when launching resources.

  • Switched Transit Gateway to VPC peering to save data processing cost.

  • Submitted dependencies and multiple python files to EMR serverless using both Python virtual environment and PySpark Native Features.

  • Implemented cluster and application autoscaler for WordPress in ECS.

  • Saved $10,000/month by removing redundancy on legacy application.

  • Resolved Aurora MySQL issue due to deadlock caused by index creation.

  • Configured pseudo blue/green deployment for API deployment in EKS.

  • Saved $15,000/week by moving CUR ingestion from EKS Fargate to EKS Nodegroup in public subnet.

  • Bypassed API Gateway 10 MB limit using CloudFront with Python (with pyJwt) custom authorizer running on Lambda@Edge.


  • Validated Pull Request source and destination branch to prevent unexpected Git merge in Azure DevOps.

  • Automated comments in Azure DevOps Pull Request using service hooks and Azure Functions.

  • Injected private key for custom authorization using jq and Azure DevOps secure files.

  • Created Azure DevOps extension to move work items between swim lanes by using dropdown.

  • Automated moving work items on completed Pull Request between Kanban board columns using Azure Functions.

  • Setup Gated build PR to validate build before Git merge.

  • Implemented GitOps to AWS with change set to prevent unintended change on production stacks.

  • Optimized build time by building front and backend in parallel.

  • Created dynamic Kubernetes workers deployment per Kafka topic using Helm, jq, and yq so workers can be scaled independently.

  • Scheduled pipeline that automatically runs C# script (csx), commit, push, and create Pull Request.


  • Created Cloudsaver CLI using Python, setuptools, and Click.

  • Developed Visual Studio Extension to change the environment that local applications point to.

  • Write scripts to export/import HBase snapshots.

  • Wrote bash and PowerShell scripts to connect AWS accounts and Azure subscriptions to CloudSaver app.

  • Applied schema migration using idempotent EF script export, S3 event, Lambdas, and SQS.

  • Update Visual Studio Extension to encrypt/decrypt value with DialogWindow, ToolWindow, and WPF.

  • Saved $7,000/week by refactoring .NET 7 application to run on Linux ECS container.

  • Debugged running .NET 7 application using Visual Studio remote debugger.

  • Developed a web page on CloudSaver app to enable self-configure SSO using React and ASP.NET Web API backend.


  • Migrated OpenVPN configuration to new servers.

  • Resolved OpenVPN issue where config failed validation but was saved and caused the web interface to be unreachable.

  • Setup KEDA to enable pod scaling in Kubernetes (EKS) based on data from CloudWatch.

  • Enabled monitoring of Kubernetes pods by injecting Dynatrace agents into CloudSaver pods.

  • Troubleshot HBase/Phoenix error by using hbck to check for table inconsistencies.

  • Configured Fargate logging to send application logs in Kubernetes (EKS) to CloudWatch Logs.

  • Configured Jaeger to run in Kubernetes (EKS) in ECS Fargate with and without agent sidecar and OpenSearch as storage.

  • Configured Amazon Container Insight using AWS Distro for Open Telemetry (ADOT) in EKS.

  • Implemented auto memory dump usng Kubernetes preStop lifecycle.

  • Configured application to export telemetry data directly to Jaeger collector removing the need for sidecar.

  • Patched .NET 6 vulnerability that's no longer fixed using .NET 8 docker image and .NET 6 runtime.

  • Bypassed CoreDNS 5s bug issue by routing pod-to-pod traffic through Ingress.

  • Fixed issue with Docker Desktop used significant amount of memory.


  • Wrote script to simplified memory dump capture and upload to S3.

  • Implemented an auto restart pipeline in ADO.

  • Migrated OpenSearch indices to a different cluster using replication.

  • Implemented cluster autoscaler on EKS Nodegroup.

  • Captured application logs in EKS Nodegroup.

  • Added container insights for EKS through add-on.


  • Assisted with answering technical questions at CloudSaver booth in AWS re:Invent 2022.

  • Documentated various architecture and data flow diagrams using

  • Assisted in obtaining SOC 2, ISO 27001, and GDPR compliances.

Software Engineer

CloudSaver, Inc. (May 2021 - December 2021)


  • Setup SAML 2.0 for clients who use Okta, PingFederate, and Azure in Auth0.

  • Fulfilled client security requirements by enabling Single Logout (SLO) between Auth0 and PingFederate.

  • Updated from built-in authentication to OpenID and OAuth 2.0 using Auth0.

Big Data

  • Significantly improved ingestion rate from Apache Spark to Apache Phoenix using Phoenix Spark connector.

  • Wrote C# Apache Spark application running on EMR to reduce Cost and Usage (CUR) data.

  • Launched Apache Phoenix and Apache HBase on EMR to serve invoice data to web application.


  • Significantly reduced timeout by migrating database from Amazon Aurora Serverless to Amazon Aurora RDS cluster.

  • Setup WordPress using Bitnami Docker image hosted in ECS Fargate with EFS storage and Amazon Aurora serverless.

  • Launched and configured OpenVPN Access Server.

  • Moved WordPress from ECS Fargate to ECS EC2 to enable faster throughput by connecting it to NFS server backed by EBS.

  • Moved Learning site to Amazon Lightsail due to storage limit in Azure Static Web App.

  • Initialized ASP.NET session database in AWS RDS for SQL Server (web edition) to improve compatibility.

  • Resolved issue with disabled AWS SES due to high email bounce rate.

  • Re-configured AWS VPC network from VPC peerings to hub and spoke model using Transit Gateway.

  • Setup Content Delivery Network (CDN) using Amazon CloudFront and S3.

  • Created static website in Amazon S3 and Amazon CloudFront for Learning team.

  • Automated copy and bootstrap of Aurora MySQL database to lower environment using EventBridge and Lambda.

  • Ran Hangfire as ECS Service and added capability to launch ECS tasks.

  • Adopted IaC by launching and importing resources using CloudFormation templates.

  • Containerized and ran batch applications on ECS Fargate to improve scalability and reduce cost.


  • Containerized batch applications on deployment to Amazon ECR (Elastic Container Registry) using Docker.

  • Created Azure Artifacts feed to host private Nuget packages.

  • Utilized AWS CodeDeploy hooks to update running applications on EC2 by renaming files.

  • Installed RDS Combined CA bundle to enable SSL to Aurora MySQL on various resources (Docker, EC2, etc.).

  • Migrated source/version control from TFVC to Git.


  • Initiated and led weekly team meeting.

  • Initiated and led bi-weekly architecture meeting.

  • Setup and maintained Microsoft SharePoint for department information sharing.

  • Implemented Datadog APM for CloudSaver applications on EC2.

  • Replaced Datadog with Dynatrace for CloudSaver applications on EC2 due to APM for .NET was not ready.


  • Configured CloudSaver web application to use in proc session state to fix issue with incompatibility with Aurora MySQL.

  • Upgraded batch applications from .NET 4.6.2 to .NET 5, containerized and run in ECS Fargate.

  • Upgraded shared library from .NET 4.6.2 to .NET Standard 2.0.

  • Created a simple web application using Node.js and VS Code to host temporary learning courses.

  • Used Handlebar.NET to map database bootstrap script with data from AWS secrets manager.

  • Decoupled shared code from batch applications by moving it to a Nuget package.

  • Resolved issue with TLS 1.2 between newer Linux kernel and MySQL due to removed older cipher suites.

  • Wrote EC2 rightsizing scripts requested by client in Bash and PowerShell.


CloudSaver, Inc. (August 2019 - May 2021)


  • Built integration with Okta, Ping Identity, OneLogin to enable SAML 2.0 SSO.

  • Moved custom Sustainsys SAML 2.0 logic from HttpModule to OWIN Middleware.

  • Setup Microsoft Active Directory.

  • Enabled Cloudsaver app to authenticate against Microsoft AD.


  • Programmatically installed and configured CloudWatch agent using AWS Systems Manager (SSM).

  • Used AWS API Gateway and Lambda to provide endpoints to store metadata for CloudSaver bundling and compression engine.

  • Automated Amazon EC2 virtualization type conversion from PV to HVM.

  • Installed ENA module and NVMe driver programmatically via AWS System Manager (SSM) for Zen to Nitro conversion.

  • Saved on SSL certificate cost by using AWS Certificate Manager (ACM).

  • Designed and performed Amazon S3 Bundling PoC for client.

  • Automated creation and sharing of AMI Golden Image with partner.

  • Launched NAT Gateway to workaround Elastic IP (EIP) limit.

  • Automated benchmarking of EC2 using Aida 64 and Geekbench on custom AMI.

  • Configured Site-to-site VPN to client environment.

  • Setup automatic security patching using AWS SSM Patch Manager.

  • Setup automatic agents update using AWS SSM State Manager.

  • Implemented EBS Safety Net feature using Amazon CloudWatch alarms and Amazon SNS.


  • Created SQL Server stored procedure with Table-Valued Parameters to generate complex reports.

  • Improved EF batch insert performance by utilizing SqlBulkCopy.

  • Enabled consistent database schema migrations using EF 6 (Entity Framework) Migrations.

  • Moved Hangfire database from SQL Server to Amazon Aurora Serverless.

  • Moved critical data from SQL Server to Amazon Aurora Serverless.

  • Setup Amazon DocumentDB as a storage to store status and configuration for batch applications.

  • Implemented Elasticsearch to store and improve query speed of client's AWS CUR/Invoice data.


  • Implemented CI/CD pipelines using Azure DevOps and AWS CodeDeploy with deployment to EC2 and Lambda.

  • Designed and applied Azure DevOps building and deployment steps.

  • Troubleshot phantom TFS workspace.

  • Setup Kanban board, design and document development process in Azure DevOps.


  • Added emboss effect on CloudSaver logo using Adobe Illustrator.

  • Edited promotional video using After Effect and Quick Time.

  • Assisted in creating and editing of CloudSaver assessment instruction video using Movavi.

  • Blurred sensitive information in CloudSaver instruction videos using Adobe Premier Element.


  • Wrote code and scripts to automatically migrate EC2 in Xen hypervisor to Nitro-based hypervisor.

  • Automated EBS cost saving by writing scripts to setup and move data to smaller EBS volumes.

  • Map disk drives and partitions to EBS volumes using PowerShell and Shell script.

  • Created mirror (Raid 1) on EBS using PowerShell and Diskpart.

  • Created script to create, attach, initialize, part and format EBS volumes.

  • Automated benchmarking by programmatically run AIDA64 on various EC2 using AWS Systems Manager (SSM).

  • Hosted private Nuget server in EC2.

  • Developed feature to bundle files and extract a single file by querying the byte range in S3.

  • Wrote script to replace device name with UUID in fstab to migrate Amazon EC2 to Nitro-based instance type.

  • Installed and renewed SSL certificates in IIS.

  • Disabled deprecated SSL and TLS versions/protocols on Windows Servers via PowerShell.

  • Disabled weak encryption protocols/cipher suites on Windows Servers.

  • Configured OpenVPN access server to allow VPN connection to test account VPC.

  • Wrote script to automatically fix Linux kernel update failure.

  • Troubleshot URL Rewrite on IIS.


  • Created .NET generic classes to simplify retrieving multiple metrics from CloudWatch.

  • Created .NET extension methods to sort enumerables by attribute and property name using reflection.

  • Implemented drag and drop report filter with level indentation.

  • Added custom tooltip on HTML tables using Tooltipster.

  • Created custom HTML tables with frozen top, bottom, and first column using CSS.

  • Added custom scrollbar using mCustomScrollbar.

  • Created various reports in PDF and Excel using TallPDF, EPPlus, and Highcharts.

  • Implemented background process queueing and scheduling using Hangfire to decouple front end and back end.

  • Created custom .NET attributes to improve code efficiency.

  • Worked around template formatting bug in Salesforce CPQ by utilizing knowledge in Apache FOP.

  • Developed ASP.NET Core Web API to compress file using LZMA and hosted it in Ubuntu using NGINX.

  • Created .NET SDK for CloudSaver compression engine.

  • Enabled OWIN on ASP.NET Web Forms.

  • Enabled ASP.NET Session on OWIN.

  • Solved race condition issue by implementing ServiceLocator pattern.

  • Moved some appsettings to environment variable for easier management and security.

  • Utilized TopShelf to install Hangfire as Windows Service.

  • Improved page response by asynchronously loading batched data using custom queue written in JavaScript.

  • Enabled CloudSaver web application to send email using Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).

  • Created a Razor page based internal web application to query New Relic API using GraphQL.

  • Automated migration of previous generation Amazon EC2 with Xen hypervisor to newer AWS Nitro hypervisor

  • Converted instances from PV (Paravirtual) to HVM (Hardware Virtual Machine)

  • Installed NVMe driver and ENA (Enhance Network Adapter) module on the instance

  • Fixed fstab for Linux

  • Developed CloudSaver iOS app using Swift and XCode.

  • Integrated SAML 2.0 SSO handling using Sustainsys/SAML2 library on CloudSaver web application for Okta, OneLogin and Ping Identity.

Web Application Developer

WorkView LLC (July 2017 - August 2019)

  • Developed and released WorkView mobile app for iOS and Android with ASP.NET Web API backend.

  • Enhanced Partner Portal ASP.NET Web Forms application.

  • Created windows console app to send out WorkView scheduled reports.

  • Wrote code to export reports in PDF with Tallcomponent TallPDF.NET and in Excel with embedded macro with EPPlus.

  • Enabled import of projects and to-dos from Basecamp3 to WorkView.

  • Created Gantt chart of projects and tasks programmatically using DayPilot Gantt.

  • Added copy button to allow user to copy to clipboard using clipboard.js.

  • Created a scheduled report monitoring web application.

  • Added logic to extract text from html formatted string using HTML Agility Pack.

  • Handled Basecamp3 and Highcharts server rate limitation using custom DelegatingHandler.

  • Created various charts using Highcharts.

  • Added logic to react when browser tab is visible/invisible using Page Visibility API.

  • Added logic to validate URL using Regex.

  • Modified images/graphics using Photoshop.

  • Automated file copying after code compilation/build using MSBuild.

  • Troubleshot permissions in SQL Server.

  • Managed projects and versions in VSTS.

  • Explored jReport as part of reporting tools due diligence.

  • Implemented custom logger in ASP.NET Web API applications using log4net.

  • Added feature to manage meetings and appointments using Exchange Web Services (EWS).

  • Wrote JavaScript query string parser.

  • Troubleshot partner company's issue using cURL.

  • Developed app to process scheduled reports.

  • Moved application error handler to a central location.

  • Installed Ubiquity ToughSwitch to enable multiple VoIP phones.


Data Center Inc. (August 2012 - July 2017)

  • Developed multiple ASP.NET Web Forms sub applications, including Vendor Management and DCI University.

  • Enabled File Handler Services to combine PDF documents using dbAutotrack PDF-Writer.NET.

  • Modified format of internal periodical reports generated by Windows Service using PDFlib library.

  • Added scrolling capability to Silverlight document viewer plugin.

  • Enable chat capability for Customer Service department by implementing SightMax chat.

  • Designed new and modified existing icons using JASC Paintshop Pro application

  • Implemented the first drag and drop functionality for ASP.NET grid view in main web application.

  • Added embedded PDF viewer to web pages.

  • Shared educational videos on team meetings.

  • Contributed ideas, potential problems and suggestions in spec meetings.

  • Initiated a section on company's newsletter for employees to share their favorite books.

  • Performed code review on modifications by other programmers.

  • Researched and documented necessary steps to upgrade .NET framework versions.

  • Wrote JavaScript for browser bookmark to enable team members to easily navigate to a page by pageID.

  • Crafted complex SQL query to obtain required data.

  • Added build date time to MSBuild script.

  • Solved problem on importing text files due to incompatible encoding scheme.

  • Created image viewer control in HTML5 to replace Silverlight.

  • Refactored File Handler application logic to enable automatic XML serialization and deserialization.

Production Tech

Envision, Inc. through Labor Finders (July 2011 - August 2012)

  • Developed a custom MRP application using Windows Form in C#.NET on Visual Studio 2008.

  • Utilized Microsoft Access as data storage for custom MRP application.

  • Synchronized data in the Microsoft Access file with SQL Server by using Windows Service.

  • Generated requested reports for supervisors and managers by using Crystal Report.

  • Deployed custom MRP application using ClickOnce technology.

  • Troubleshot Microsoft Excel issues for manufacturing managers.

Graduate Research Assistant

Finance, Real Estate & Decision Sciences Departement at WSU (August 2008 - May 2011)

  • Queried real estate data from RETS compliance network servers using SQL via ODBC connection.

  • Developed statistical analysis programs using STATA to analyze periodic real estate data.

  • Automated reports generation in Microsoft Excel by writing macros in VBA.

  • Generated monthly reports to be delivered to 24 Kansas area real estate boards.

  • Shortened reports creation time from 1 week to 3 days through automated process.

  • Found and reported bug on RETS ODBC driver

Student Technician

Campus Media Services at WSU (September 2005 - December 2007)

  • Assisted in setting up professional multimedia devices for events around campus

  • Set up requested multimedia devices for classes in various university buildings.

  • Troubleshot functionality issues with media devices.

  • Reorganized, tested and cleaned devices such as projectors, cables, DVR, etc.

Student Helper

Department of Mathematics and Statistics at WSU (August 2005 - December 2005)

  • Graded Calculus 1 weekly homework of 50 students.

Student Helper

ADP Office - Taylor's College Malaysia (Fall 2004)

  • Assumed the role of receptionist when no receptionist is available.

  • Assisted office staffs with clerical responsibilites such as photocopy, mailing, etc.

  • Brought new students and parents for a campus tour.

Student Helper

Main Campus Library - Taylor's College Malaysia (Fall 2003)

  • Delivered returned books to appropriate aisle.

  • Ordered books alphabetically on the shelves.